Who we are
Partnership for Growth was formed in 2019 out of a consensus across all economic sectors of our province that industry leadership and engagement is a critical element of the design and execution of economic development strategy for our province. With 10 industry sector members and six Chambers of Commerce, this Partnership 'covers Prince Edward Island like the dew'.
Vision Statement:
Prince Edward Island is a leader in entrepreneurship and sustainable economic growth —attracting people, technology, and capital to a growing economy where businesses and all Islanders can succeed.
Where the health and well-being of our people, economy, and environment are all important for long-term sustainable growth.
These six key priorities further outline our vision for the future:
- Islanders remain in PEI and other Canadians move to PEI because they have the skills and recognize the opportunities available here.
- PEI is a preferred destination for immigrants—a place where they can prosper and integrate into the community.
- Businesses want to set up operations because of the competitive business environment—PEI is “open for business”.
Innovation, Capital & Investment
- PEI is generating and attracting entrepreneurs, capital investment, and new technologies, building on our quality innovation ecosystem.
- Strategic investment in private and public infrastructure supports economic, environmental and social objectives.
- All Islanders are connected regionally, nationally, and internationally.
- There is coordination among the private sector industries, academic and research agencies, and government partners on the economic action plan within PEI and Atlantic Canada.
Quality of Life
- The health and well-being of all Islanders and our environment are at the centre of managing economic growth and measuring success.
News, Information, and Resources
PFG Action Plan Launch
Provincial Election Backgrounder
Party Responses
Partnership for Growth Applauds Commitments to Economic Growth - Election Release
Supported and respectfully submitted by the following organizations who work every day to grow Prince Edward Island’s economy: